Thursday, December 13, 2007

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About the Class

1. Is there a book for the class?

No. There is no book for this class. Everything you need is on the course website.

2. Can I finish the class early?

Yes. You can work through the class as quickly as you like. Just make sure you do it well!

3. Is there any extra credit I can get?

Yes. Your final project requires that you find and analyze 5 websites on a topic. If you like, you can analyze 6 websites instead, for up to 4 extra credit points. You can earn another point by answering a bonus question on quiz 6.

4. Are there any discussion questions I have to answer, or anything else I have to participate in?

No. Your grade is completely determined by the quizzes, project, and final exam.

5. Can I take a quiz over?

You have two attempts at each quiz, so if you aren't pleased with your grade the first time, you can take it again. The exception to this is the final - you can only take it once.

6. How long do I have to take each quiz?

Even though the quizzes say they are limited to 2 hours, they are not. You have as much time as you need. If you want to, you can start a quiz, save your answers, then go back in the next day and finish.

7. Is the final exam comprehensive?

Yes, it covers the whole semester.

8. Is the pretest graded?

No. I use it to give me an idea of where you are beginning in terms of knowledge about Internet use. It will also give you an idea of the kinds of things the class covers. But you don't have to take it.

9. I thought I did well on a quiz, but the grade shows that I only got 5 correct. What's up with that?

The multiple choice questions on the quizzes are automatically graded, but the short answers aren't. If you took a quiz with 5 multiple choice questions, and your grade shows 5/10 when you finish, it means you got all 5 multiple choice questions right. I have to grade the short answer questions myself. I almost always have everything graded by 11:00 am or so that was turned in the previous 24 hours. So if you think your grade is wrong, check it again the next day after I've had a chance to grade it.

10. What do I do if I'm having technical problems?

I can't help you much with those. Contact the Florida Online Help Desk at (386)506-3849, or at . They can talk you through most technical problems.

11. When I try to use the library website, it asks me for a borrower ID and a PIN. What are those?

To use the library databases (for magazine and newspaper articles) or to read an e-book, you have to log in. Your ID is your student ID and your PIN is the last four digits of your Social Security number. If it doesn't work, let me know.

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